Life House

Life House received a $5,000 grant from the Results Foundation in 2021. Funding went directly towards providing rent for Sol House. Sol House, a house for survivors of sexual exploitation, is the centerpiece of Life House’s Safe Harbor program. Staffed 24/7, up to six youth can live there at any time. Services include trauma-informed therapy, education and employment support, substance abuse counseling, and daily activities. In August, September & October, Sol House has provided 337 bed nights for 5 youth. 

 Sol House had a young woman move in in April when she was 15 years old and had been on run and living in unstable and unsafe situations. In the past six months she has reengaged in school and is getting good grades. She has gotten a job in an after-school program for elementary aged kids and has become a peer leader in the house. Like all of us, she has her ups and downs, but is working though her past trauma with an EMDR-trained therapist at Life House and we are inspired by her ability to set ambitious goals for herself and accomplished them.


Jeremiah Program


One Roof